Hi. there has been many things going on in my life lately.
I shall make a list, since I don't feel like explaining:
-I need to get new pills for my birth control: The last ones make me have ridiculous moodswings.
-I now go to therapy for my weird believes and lack of self value. I will learn how to say now and how to respect myself.
-There has been 4 people living in my flat for the last week. My flat is 25 squaremeters. We fit in just fine.
-My sister has hogged my computer since she wants to play sims 3. she's staying over for her holiday. I haven't touched my computer in months.
-another friend came over for his holidays
-I have a sorta-boyfriend-not-sure-since-we-are-ta

king-it-slow right now. We are like a couple, but we are testing the waters: If we work, then we start being official.
-I'm falling in love with him more and more every day, and he is practically living at my place.
-a good friend of mine has had a crush on the guy for ages, but he doesn't feel the same. She finally decided to persue another guy.
-I have played a lot of roleplays recently, I enjoy them greatly. I even bought my own set of dices: VERY many dices.
-I can't wait for next month's pay. Then I will buy Arkham city, and maybe eden.
-I got the book of the writing project I participated last year.
-TYM is once again on hold since I don't have betas working on it now, and I have been so busy that a computer is out of limits!
-I got a new and bigger bird cage! I also have the old one, so I have now nearly 300% more space for my birds!
-I BOUGHT A COCKATIEL! I will get him for christmas!
-In the huge cage there is a budgey that is 15 years old, and my lovebirds are on the smaller cage. The cockatiel will go with the budgey.


He is the man I told about. We are still on the "testing the waters" phase, but I hope that we could become official one day.