torstai, 27. lokakuu 2011


Hi. there has been many things going on in my life lately.
I shall make a list, since I don't feel like explaining:
-I need to get new pills for my birth control: The last ones make me have ridiculous moodswings.
-I now go to therapy for my weird believes and lack of self value. I will learn how to say now and how to respect myself.
-There has been 4 people living in my flat for the last week. My flat is 25 squaremeters. We fit in just fine.
-My sister has hogged my computer since she wants to play sims 3. she's staying over for her holiday. I haven't touched my computer in months.
-another friend came over for his holidays
-I have a sorta-boyfriend-not-sure-since-we-are-ta

king-it-slow right now. We are like a couple, but we are testing the waters: If we work, then we start being official.
-I'm falling in love with him more and more every day, and he is practically living at my place.
-a good friend of mine has had a crush on the guy for ages, but he doesn't feel the same. She finally decided to persue another guy.
-I have played a lot of roleplays recently, I enjoy them greatly. I even bought my own set of dices: VERY many dices.
-I can't wait for next month's pay. Then I will buy Arkham city, and maybe eden.
-I got the book of the writing project I participated last year.
-TYM is once again on hold since I don't have betas working on it now, and I have been so busy that a computer is out of limits!
-I got a new and bigger bird cage! I also have the old one, so I have now nearly 300% more space for my birds!
-I BOUGHT A COCKATIEL! I will get him for christmas!
-In the huge cage there is a budgey that is 15 years old, and my lovebirds are on the smaller cage. The cockatiel will go with the budgey.


He is the man I told about. We are still on the "testing the waters" phase, but I hope that we could become official one day.

tiistai, 11. lokakuu 2011

makaava kettu


Tässä olisis Furry kettu sitten : P On se kumma kun ei osaa piirtää naisia eikä eläimiä, mutta furryt kyllä onnistuu xD

keskiviikko, 7. syyskuu 2011

Opettajani muotokuva

This is a portrait of my teacher. He was our class teacher last yer, and I jsut randomly drew this picture of him, and with his permisison I share it with you.


lauantai, 4. kesäkuu 2011

Dark Danny

Tuhersinpas tämän jotta saisin harjoitella värittämistä GIMPillä. ja minä vihaan sitä. En ole tottunut GIMPin käyttöön, ja koska GIMP oikeasti TUNNSITAA paineen käytön piirtopöydässäm niin on MAHDOTONTA saada tasapaksua linjaa joka on saman sävystä... Eli siis, mitä kovempaa painat kynää piirtopöytään, sen tummempi viiva. tämä oli ajaa mun hulluksi. Joten siinä on teilel tuherrus. TAHDON PAINT.NET:IN TAKAISIN.


lauantai, 4. kesäkuu 2011

Lisää dannya ja Vladia!

Joo, tämän kuvan piirsin täysin sen takia että saisin kokeilla GIMPin piirto-ohjelmaa jonka kanssa joudun kannettavani kanssa työskentelemään koska tämä romu vista ei suostu tallentamaan Pain.Netiä jota olen oisen koneeni kanssa tottunut käyttämään...